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CT Reactive Sealer is water-based chemical treatment technology. This penetrating sealer-fortified emulsion, which dries quickly to a clear extremely hard micro-coating chemically treats and reacts with the concrete substrate altering the treated surface into a breathable glass-like substrate. CT is a unique hybrid technology used to improve stain resistance, wear resistance, hardness, and scratch-resistance of concrete countertop surfaces.

CT is formulated using unique chemistry that will not lift or peel from surfaces it is applied to. The ability of the hybrid chemistry allows for high use and wear surfaces that need little maintenance over years of use. Periodic re-application does not require harsh chemical stripping before any form of reapplication is done.

CT is non-toxic, non-hazardous, and VOC compliant worldwide. CT is used to enhance the appearance and longevity of concrete countertop surfaces while providing clarity and stain-resistant surfaces.